Create your mobile compatible web site with

Today – I came across a site called

Functionality wise it is:

1. Accepting one URL and,

2. Creating one new HTML site with
a. Option: Basic (Free)
b. Option: Premium (Paid)

3. Storing the new HTML site – within an URL like:

4. Allowing following features for the new HTML site as follows:

a. Preview on emulators like: iPhone, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry
– Here you can Log-in and access the sites features.
Data is being fetched from the sites Database

b. Edit the new HTML site for Layout, Style, Header and Navigation and Re-Publish
c. Share the new HTML site on: facebook, twitter, google plus etc.
d. Show Visit Statistics: Date Range wise – Total Visits, Visited Pages, Traffic Sources
(Direct or from Search etc.), Source Devices (OS/Browser), Geo Location
e. You can also Delete the new HTML site

5. Providing a script To re-direct the site to the above URL for Mobile User

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